Aurélien Dony
Aurélien Dony (°1993, Belgium) was born on April 16, 1993, in Dinant. Passionate about literature, he publishes between his 18 and 24 years four collections of poetry and co-wrote a novel with his friend Claude Raucy. After graduating as a French teacher, Aurélien entered the Royal Conservatory of Brussels where he studies drama.
His passion for poetry will lead him to enthusiasm for declamation. He works on poets of all time and, with this teaching, frequently gives readings to the Circle of Travelers (Brussels), to the House of Poetry of Namur or during various recitals.
He also lends his voice to contemporary poets such as Jean Loubry, Charline Lambert, Karel Logist ...
In addition, Aurélien gave numerous performances as singer of the group Géminides (putting to music poetic texts of Molière, Van Gogh, Camus ...)