Emmy Wils
Emmy Wils (°1994), showed an early interest for music and developed since into a passionate music student aged 23. When she was nine, she received her first piano lessons from Johan Bossers at de Music Academy of the City of Tongeren.
In 2012, she started her studies at the Brussels Conservatory in the classes of Piet Kuijken and Hans Ryckelynck, and this year she will accomplish her in the class of Boyan Vodenitcharov. During her student years she also had the privilege to study at the prestigious Hochschule für Musik Frans Liszt in Weimar, Germany, in the class of Peter Waas.
Throughout the years she had the opportunity to follow masterclasses with, amongst others, Pavel Eliashevic, Wolfgang Manz, Massimiliano Mainolfi, Rasa Biveiniene Yakutite, Christian Wilm Müller, Lukas Vondraçek,… and at age 16 she debuted as a soloist in front of an orchestra.
Emmy already won a large number of distinctions and prizes at competitions such as the Cantabile-concourse, Belfius Classics, Stephan de Jonghe-concourse, Concours de piano de Liège, Concours André Charlier, VriendenCultuurprijs Tilburg, Triomphe de l’Art, ...
At present, Emmy is also very active as a chamber music performer at, amongst others, the B-Classic Festival of Flanders.
Since 2016, she leads the Sonos Ensemble, a young and versatile classical formation of 11 musicians, based in Brussels, Belgium.