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Elegy 1941​


For Violin and Orchestra


80 years ago, in 1941, the fate of European Jews was decided at the sinister Wannsee conference where the Holocaust was planned and carried out by the nazi regime on a large scale from then on.



I want to remember my past

To see before my eyes
The image of my parents
The house in which I grew up
The village in which my family lived

for generations

I don't want to remember my past

I fear for what my memory
Might bring before my eyes

I wonder whether I can continue my life
If I'll rescue from oblivion
What I want to recall.

― Itta Benhaiem-Keller



Miriam Kramer

Violin Solo


Dimitri Arnauts



Edward Durcan

 Recording Engineer




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Yad Vashem, the World Holocaust Remembrance Center, is the ultimate source for Holocaust education, documentation and research. From the Mount of Remembrance in Jerusalem, Yad Vashem's integrated approach incorporates meaningful educational initiatives, groundbreaking research and inspirational exhibits.


Soutenez le Mémorial Yad Vashem


Mémorial vivant du peuple juif en souvenir de la Shoah, Yad Vashem œuvre à préserver la mémoire du passé et à lui donner un sens pour les générations à venir. Créé en 1953 pour être le centre mondial de documentation, de recherche, d'éducation et de commémoration de la Shoah, Yad Vashem est aujourd'hui un lieu vivant et dynamique de rencontres intergénérationnelles et internationales.

With permission from the Yad Vashem Memorial.

© Copyright 2021 Dimitri Arnauts. All rights reserved.

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