On the 7th of November each year, free States and People around the world who are still defenders and supporters of Freedom, Dignity, Equity, Justice, Truth, Life and the Rule of Law and Democracy, are holding in dear remembrance - and cherishing in their wounded hearts:
The countless people, families, elders and ancestors, fathers, mothers and children who have been vilified, ostracized, destroyed, brought to death and erased by communism.
By doing this, I want to make a modest contribution through Art to honor the memory of the innumerable victims of this vicious ideology of absolute hatred, burning jealousy, omnipresent lies, rampant civil delation and slavish submission to an evil totalitarian state, obsequious and manipulative official media, and criminally violent politics upheld my lethal zealots and a coward and comfortable nomenklatura - that has left a tragic legacy of scars and horrendous crimes against Humanity throughout its murderous and deceitful course in the past century...
As the proud and free descendant of my grandfather Mikhail Kolokolov, and as the son of a father having paid the full price of sacrifice and courage when publicly opposing the scores of accomplices of the communist tyranny in Europe itself, I present to your meditation and your prayer this sad
March of the Forgotten
In memory of the innumerable and forgotten Victims of communism in Russia.
In honor of one their most noble, bold and truthful witnesses, Alexander Solzhenitsyn.
Dimitri Arnauts-Kolokolov
Music and videography
В память о бесчисленных и забытых жертвах коммунизма в России.
Димитрий Арнаутс-Колоколов
© COPYRIGHT 2020-2024 by Dimitri Arnauts.
All rights reserved